This guide will cover how to rotate, scale, select visible components, and open/close windows/doors.
- When in the 3D tab of RoofWright press and drag the left mouse button to move the design around the screen, and use Right press and drag to rotate the design.
- To zoom in and out you can use the scroll wheel on your mouse, or use the scale menu at the top of the screen.
- To choose which components are visible on the design click "View", then click "Visible Components".
- In the menu on the right, you can toggle on/off different components of the 3D model, such as the roof, frames and basework.
- To open and close windows/doors on the design click "Open/Close", then "Windows", then choose to "Open All Windows/Doors" or "Close All Windows/Doors" or "Manual Openings" if you would like to choose the opening width yourself.
- If you selected "Manual Openings..." use the sliders to choose the opening width, the top is fully open and the bottom fully closed.
- Any changes made to openings are visible on 3D sales reports.